Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tessellating French Fries

Did you think that a tessellation could be made from french fries?
Click and view---
There are other animated tessellations that you may view.

Next ---click the
Tessellations Tab

What are tessellations?
How did tessellations begin?
Symmetry- What are the 3 types of symmetry?


Anonymous said...

I thought it was very imaginative.
I wouldn't have thought to make fries into a peace sign.It made me hungry.
Tyler B.

Anonymous said...

this is very coll and intresting i enjoy this website brittany c 5th period seat 14

Anonymous said...

I think the art was very interesting but cool!
Jon A. 5th period.

Anonymous said...

The french fries tessellation was cool.

Hope C.

Anonymous said...

i thought it was really cool but i liked the lion one the most becasue it was new to me i didnt no that u can get 4 lions and make a circle out of them. u are a good artist
Santana B.

Anonymous said...

The website was very creative and the french fries was very neat I enjoyed it very much.

Anonymous said...

I thgought were nice . I like the way they moved and the different objects they used. DEONTAE F.

Anonymous said...

the french fries thing was goooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The tessilation patterns were very colorful and pretty.There were a lot of different designs.

Bobbi Coburn
5th period
seat 19

Anonymous said...

i thought the tessellations were cool. i realy liked them

Anonymous said...

The tessellation pattens was cool. I really liked the colors on the patterns. I also like the objects. Lykel Collier
5th peroid

Anonymous said...

I thought the picture were very unique and different.and i also thouht that it was very imaginative to awwww to bad lunch already pass lol... <3 Alisha b.

Anonymous said...

The website was very creative I enjoy it very much I would like to check it out again some time
Lindsey C

Anonymous said...

I thought the site was very imaginative It helped me understand tessellations more.
I wouldn't ever imagine to use french fries to help teach a lesson but it was very,very,very fun and funny.It did make you hungry but we already had lunch awwwwwwww rats but I loved the site and the french fries example it reminded me of McDonald's.
Khadijah B.
5th Table:4 Seat:13

Anonymous said...

I thoght it was very colorful. I love all the different disigns that are put into it.

Piper B. 5th period

Anonymous said...

This website was great.It was imaginable.It was thoughtful and very intersting too.I loved it.

Imani C
5th period

Anonymous said...

This is brittany c making an edit i ment to put this website is very cool and i enjoy it a lot i liked the french fries thing the most 5th period seat 14

Anonymous said...

I like all the colors! I also liked the different designs that you put into it. You have very good ideas! I loved your pictures!!!

Breanna C.
5th period.
table 6 seat 23!

Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!! it was awesome loved the fries and the stone bull

Anonymous said...

wow Mr. McCormick, you really must have worked hard on this. Not!! haha. =D

Anonymous said...

Wow Mr. McCormick, you must have worked very hard on this. Not!! hahaha. =D

Johnny D. 6th

Anonymous said...

Cool Ms. Denson liked the frie thing it.

Nick D.

Anonymous said...

Cool Ms. Denson liked the frie thing it.

Nick D.

Anonymous said...

hey..I thought it was alsome , And i liked it alot..

Love : Ashley . Bibey

Anonymous said...

I think he was a good artist. Maybe it is a good idea for the project. You know your math teacher would enjoy looking at this.

Eddie Burkhart
6th period