Sunday, February 10, 2008

Introduction to Tesssellations

This example was done by an art student of Woody Duncan
as seen on the art-rageous site
Tessellations can be as simple as bricks or floor tiles.

A tessellation is a pattern made using congruent shapes--shapes that are exactly the same in size and outline.

I have added a link that will give you examples of tessellations

view them and post a comment describing your favorite

next identify what type of symmetry the tessellation exhibits.

1. Translational 2. Rotational 3. Reflectional (mirror)


Anonymous said...

this blog is very well explained it'a also written well.


Anonymous said...

Hi, this is a comment from the WVlearns class session 5. I am glad to get the opp to see your blog. You really have a great art class HQ here. A very nice resource for your students. I was glad to hear you have good tech support. There is so much fantastic Art content out there, if you have a place to put it where your students can get it. I hope yours are making great use. I expect you will have no trouble working with audio/video resources too. Good Luck, Mary, k5 art hampshire county.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mrs. Denson. I'm in the web 2.0 class with you and checking out your site. Good to see one "in action" and your students responding positively. Keep up the good work!
P.S. Liked the image and video links....

Anonymous said...

oh...the last comment was from me, Meghan King Johnson (want to make sure I get the credit :-).